Why use a REALTOR® to Sell or Buy A Home
A short list of questions to ask yourself:
- Can you wait a year to sell or buy your home?
- Are you comfortable having an open house or going to an open house?
- Do you know how to price your home competitively or is the home your thinking about priced competitively?
- What do you do when negotiations stall?
- Do you know how to properly execute a real estate contract?
- Do you know which lenders have the most competitive rates?
- Do you know what a title company can and can't do for you?
- Do you know what an escrow agreement is?
- Do you know what prorations are?
- Does your home or the home your thinking of purchasing have lead based paint?
- Do you know a good home inspector?
- Does you home or the home your thinking of purchasing have Chinese drywall or mold?
- Do you know what disclosures are needed?
If you are not sure about any 1 or more of the answers to the above questions, you should tell yourself…....I NEED To Contact Roger!
Anyone can place a sign in their yard, but only a Real Estate professional can take you from SALE TO SETTLEMENT!